

What Is The Single Most Important Need Of Your Life?

I am sure we could think of a lot of needs such as: house, car, clothing, food, money, etc.  These certainly are needs, but there is one need that supersedes all other needs of our life. That need is salvation (Not Religion). Salvation means deliverance from the penalty of sin which is death... Romans 6:23 (Spiritual Death Now) and a second death in a lake of fire. Rev. 21:8  Nothing of this world: family, friends, doctors, lawyers, bankers, preachers, churches, money, home, cars, and/or children, absolutely nothing can help you in the hour of death if you do not have salvation. 

Salvation Is The Single Most Important Thing In Life!

  1. Understand that God Loves You. John 3:16
  2. Agree with God's Word that everyone is a sinner. Romans 3:10 and Romans 3:23
  3. Because I am a sinner I am spiritually Dead and have no Life with God. Romans 6:23
  4. There is nothing that I can do by my power or strength to change this.
  5. No matter how bad my sins are, Jesus will forgive me.
  6. Even if I am a good moral person, I still need Jesus.
  7. Salvation is otained by simply trusting Jesus by faith.  Eph. 2:8-9
  8. Bow your head right now where you are.  Ask God to forgive you of all your sins and ask Jesus to come into your Heart. Romans 10:8-13  &  Rev. 3:20
  9. If you prayed this prayer, please fill out our salvation contact form or contact a local gospel preacher who will instruct you on your baptism and how to get started right in your new life that you have in Jesus.